International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health

The International Journal of Men’s Social and Community Health (IJMSCH) is an interdisciplinary journal that aims to contribute to the advancement of men’s health by publishing high quality research, policy and practice papers of contemporary relevance. There is specific focus on health experiences, social context and on community-based approaches to maintaining or improving men’s and boys' health and well-being.

Original papers addressing empirical, theoretical, and applied aspects of men’s health and well-being, as well as opinion pieces, critical reviews and studies analysing innovative intervention strategies, are all encouraged. IJMSCH is pleased to consider papers that address men’s experiences of ill-health, but particularly seeks contributions that recognise the wider determinants of health and those that explore the relationships between gender and health for men, seen within the context of gender and intersectional social relations. As such, it also welcomes submissions from sectors such as social care, education, employment and community networks providing the the relevance to men’s health and well-being is clear.

If in doubt about a paper's relevance you are welcome to contact the editor in advance of submission​. ISSN 2561-9179
The International Journal of Men's Social and Community Health ​is an open access journal that allows full viewing of all content without paywalls or subscriptions. All articles are double blind peer reviewed and much be accepted by the editor for publications after the peer review process.

IJMSCH, like other Open Access journals, charges Article Processing Charges (APC) to individual authors and institutions to offset expenses usually covered by the subscriptions and advertisements of subscription-based journals. Starting January 1, 2019, the APC will be US $399.  The APC is only applicable to articles that successfully pass peer review.  For more information on article processing charges please visit the journal's website here

APCs are per article and billed upon acceptance of an article, after it has successfully passed the peer review process. There are no additional charges based on color, length, figures, or other elements.  Letters to the Editor and small commentaries (up to 250 words), and select invited articles are not charged an APC.

An author’s ability to pay APCs is not a consideration in the decision of whether to publish.  Authors living in one of the United Nations' list of Least Developed Countries may request a fee waiver. Authors living in countries not considered "least developed"  who do not have the ability to pay the APC's may be eligible for a reduced rate. Please contact the publisher directly at